At its peak in the 1930s, the German chemical conglomerate IG Farben was one of the most powerful corporations in the world. To this day, companies formerly 


Institute of Historical ResearchOf Morals and Money: IG Farben and GAF, Ideology and pragmatism in the Kennedy Administration's Settlement with the Union 

2 Jul 2019 The German-American history of the IG Farben company building in Frankfurt, Germany, during World War II.  On the same day, the German firm IG Farben sets up a factory just outside Auschwitz, in order to take advantage of Jewish slave laborers from the Auschwitz  Carl Krauah et al. (I. G. Farben Case), 1 of the 12 trials of war criminals conducted by the U.S. Government from 1946 to 1949 at Nuernberg subsequent   2 Jul 2009 How did National Socialism shape the conduct of management at IG Farben, the German chemical giant? 12 Sep 2020 IG Farben. Address: N/A; Country: Italy; Phone number: N/A. Status: active; Styles /specialties: NSBM; Founding date : 1999; Online shopping:  HOME Frankfurt Architecture Poelzig-Bau (I.G.-Farben-Haus). This monumental building with its nine floors, a length of 820 and a height of 115 ft.

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IG Farben was a German chemical industry conglomerate, notorious for its role in the Holocaust. Its name is taken from Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustri Oskarżeni w procesie IG Farben (27 sierpnia 1947) W latach 1947–1948 odbył się tzw. „ proces IG Farben ” oraz następne przeciwko koncernowi w ramach procesów norymberskich . 24 dyrektorów koncernu stanęło przed amerykańskim trybunałem wojskowym , a 13 z nich zostało skazanych na kary pozbawienia wolności (od 6 miesięcy do 8 lat). IG Farben, (German: “Syndicate of Dyestuff-Industry Corporations”), world’s largest chemical concern, or cartel, from its founding in Germany in 1925 until its dissolution by the Allies after World War II. IG Farben (een afkorting voor Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG) was een Duits bedrijf dat een groot aantal chemische bedrijven onder zich had. IG Farben was ontstaan tijdens de Eerste Wereldoorlog en had tijdens de naziperiode bijna een volledig monopolie op de chemische industrie in Duitsland.

The IG Farben Trial was the largest of all industrial trials. All defendants were indicted for planning and waging of wars of aggression, conspiracy for this purpose, economic plundering, and forced labour and enslavement of prisoners of wars, deported persons, and concentration-camp inmates.

Jan. 2018 Der Chemiekonzern I.G. Farben ließ ab 1941 in unmittelbarer Nähe zu dem Konzentrationslager Auschwitz die größte chemische Fabrik im von  3 Jul 2019 The German-American history of the IG Farben company building in Frankfurt, Germany, during World War II. Die I.G. Farbenindustrie AG i. L., kurz I.G. Farben oder IG Farben, war das seinerzeit größte Chemieunternehmen der Welt mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main, das am  The IG Farben Building or Poelzig Building, now the home of the Johann- Wolfgang-Goethe University, was built from 1928 to 1930 as the corporate headquarters  Die Interessengemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG, kurz I.G. Farben oder IG Farben , mit Sitz in Frankfurt am Main entstand Ende 1925 aus dem Zusammenschluss  17. Nov. 2005 Kriegsverbrecher- Tribunal gegen IG-Farben-Führungskräfte in Nürnberg, 1948 ( AP Archiv).

IG Farben This was a cartel formed by the leading chemical companies in Germany after the First World War. ‘IG Farben’ is the diminutive of the rather more tongue-stretching Interessen Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie which has been translated as ‘Community of Interests of Dye Industries’.

Ig farben

Leverkusen Company and leading figure in I.G. Farben, wrote to a business friend in the  Linden under I. G. Farben. By 1937 the Linden plant was one of the larger manufacturing sites for organic chemicals in the USA. As many as 300 dyes were   Discover IG Farben Haus in Frankfurt, Germany: From Nazi chemicals to the CIA, this architectural marvel has played a fascinating role in German history. Historical buildings. I.G. Farben Building (Poelzig Building).

Ig farben

Efter andra  Gradowski Gypsies Himmler Holocaust Hungarian Jews Hungary Ibid IG Farben incineration inmates January Jean-Claude Pressac Jewish Jewish prisoners  The corporate shares of the losers, I.G. Farben, went to the Rockefeller trust (U.S.A.) and Rothschild /J.P. Morgan (U.K.). In the Nuremberg war crime tribunal 24  IG Farben tillverkade gasen Zyklon B som tog död på judarna i koncentrationslägrenas gaskammare.
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The press conference in Frankfurt was accompanied by angry protesters. 2019-10-04 2021-02-19 The monumental seven-storey IG-Farbenhaus was erected in 1931 as the headquarters of IG-Farben (pronounced ‘ee geh far-behn’), the mammoth German chemicals conglomerate whose constituent companies included Agfa, BASF, Bayer and Hoechst. With regard to medical and pharmacological research projects, I.G. Farben became involved in experimental programmes using patients from the Nazi regime's euthanasia programmes and healthy subjects recruited without their consent from concentration camps, on whom various pharmacological substances were tested, including sulfamide and arsenical derivatives and other preparations whose 2006-10-26 2020-03-18 1999-05-02 IG Farben Frose/Anhalt April 3, 2019 · Schaut mal genau auf die Tafel die ihr am Wasserturm von Hoym findet (hat aber jetzt nichts mit der IG zutun) vielleicht stellt Ihr ja was fest . IG Farben (short for Interessen-Gemeinschaft Farbenindustrie AG), was a group of German chemical companies formed in 1925. Farben is German for "paints", "dyes", or "colors"..

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I.G. Farbenindustrie Ausweis-Karte 1938. IG-Farben-Haus Grüneburgplatz Frankfurt, Poelzig-Ba. This is an extremely rare original two-sided Third Reich identity 

Koncernen stöttade nazispartiet och levererade den giftgas,  Industri är april månads tema under Kemins år. Den här gången berättar vår skribent. Ulf Ellervik den mörka historien om IG Farben, som vi inte  Föreningen Humanism och Kunskap (HK) bildades den 11 december 2011 och riktar sig till alla som respekterar vars och ens rätt att tycka,  Ni får beakta att I.G. Farben är ett stort bolag som är delägare i över 613 företag i mer än hundra länder. Vi kom fram till att helst skulle en utländsk bank i ett  Hitler och IG Farben.En skildring av alliansen mellan den tyska krigsmakten och den multinationella kemijätten. Frankfurt a.M., Verwaltungsgeb. I.G.Farb - Frankfurt a.M./ Admin.Build.I.G.Farben - Francfort-M. / I.G.Farben / Photo 2001.